Hai Phong Festival

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Posted by DH Travel at 9:44 am April 21, 2015

Hai Phong Festival

Stage and Water Puppetry

Hai Phong Festival

Stage and Water Puppetry

Hai Phong Festival

Stage and Water Puppetry

Puppetry is an old popular art from in Hai Phong. As a matter of fact, the puppetry guild of Bao ha in Vinh Bao  District(30km from the centre of Hai Phong) has been performing for seven generation.

Like other forms of art, Bao Ha puppetry has developed over time. Current performances are always accompanied by music and lyrics. This stage puppetry is similar to opera.

Sea Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Sea Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Sea Festival

4th-6th of the 1stlunar month

This festival is organized at Tran Chau fishing village (cat ba). After the ceremony for the water Spirit (Long Vuong), the commnding drum resounds and hundreds of shouting  boys carrying oars begin running to their boats. One boys rows, while the other boy casts nets and beats a rhythm on the boat. The stronger and faster the beating, the more frightened the fish are and likely to get caught in the net.

An  Lu Temple

Hai Phong Festival

An Lu Temple

Hai Phong Festival

Nghe Temple Festival

10th -11th day of the 1st lunar month

An Lu Temple belong ao An Lu Village in Thuy Nguyen District. Here, the cults of Prince Hung Dao Tran Quoc Tuan and Prince An Sinh Tran Lieu (Prince Hung Dao’s father) are observed.

Every year, the An Lu Temple Festival is held to commemorate the sirvices renderes by the national hero wo defeated the Mong Nguyen invaders, therein saving the country. A joss-stick offering cenemony is solemnly performed. Games and entertainment, such as swinging, singing, cock fighting, and Chinese chess, follow the ceremony.

Pho ma Temple Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Pho ma Temple Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Pho ma Temple Festival

15th day of the 1st lunar month

Pho ma Temple belongs to Nui Deo Hamlet in Thuy Nguyen District. The cult of renowned General Lai Van Thanh, a talented general during the Tran Dynasty, is observed in this temple. Every year, a festival is held to commemorate the great feats of this general.

Nghe Temple Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Nghe Temple Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Du Hang Communal House Festival

8th-10th of the 2nd lunar month

Nghe Temple is located on Le Chan St. In Le Chan District. The temple Festival is held to commemorate the great services rendered by Le Chan, a well known General of the Trung Sisters. The festival consists of the processsion from Nghe Temple to the commural house and a banquet. Wrestling and Chinese chess also take place.

Du Hang Communal House Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Du Hang Communal House Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Du Hang Communal House Festival

18th of the 2th lunar month

This Festival takes place at Du Hang Communal House in Du Hang kenh Village. The festival is held in memorial of Ngo Quyen. It is solemnly conducted with many rites and ceremonies such as a procession to rites and ceremonies such as a procession to Dong Khe, Hang Kenh, and Phung Thap Village.

Do Son Buffalo Fights Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Do Son Buffalo Fights Festival

Hai Phong Festival

Do Son Buffalo Fights Festival

9th day of the 8th lunar month

The Festival begins one day before the actural buffalo flights. People participate in a solemn procession, accompanied by a group of singers.

The next days, a flag dance is performed before the fights begin. After the call on the loudspeaker buffaloes enter in pairs. They bravely flight hammer locking each other with their homs.

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