Chiang Sean

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Posted by DH Travel at 8:44 am June 20, 2014

Chiang SeanThe dictionary definition of a sleepy river town, Chiang Saen was the site of a Thai kingdom thought to date back to as early as the 7th century. Scattered throughout the modern town are the ruins of the former empire – surviving architecture includes several chedi, Buddha images, wí·hăhn pillars and earthen city ramparts. Chiang Saen later became loosely affiliated with various northern Thai kingdoms, as well as 18th-century Myanmar, and didn’t become a Siamese possession until the 1880s.

2Today huge river barges from China moor at Chiang Saen, carrying fruit, engine parts and all manner of other imports, keeping the old China-Siam trade route open. Despite this trade, and despite commercialisation of the nearby Sop Ruak, the town hasn’t changed too much over the last decade, and because of this is a pleasanter base than the latter.

Only locals are allowed to cross the Mekong River into the Lao town of Ton Pheung.

Chiang Sean

Chiang Sean in Thailand

Thailand Tour

Thailand Travel

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