Ha Nam is located on south of Red River Delta, southern gateway of Hanoi. It shares border with HungYen, HaTay provinces on the north, HoaBinh Province on the west, NamDinh and NinhBinh provinces on the south and south-east.
There are two main rivers: Day and ChauGiang rivers. Most of the land in this area is divided by the dense rivers. Therefore, it has the water area of ponds, lagoons, low fields and rivers which are convenient for aquaculture and water poultry rising.
Ha Nam has tropical rainy season lasts from October to May and dry season lasts from November to April next year. The annual average temperature is 23oC.
Coming to HaNam, visitors are interested in natural beauty sights like Truc Temple and NguDongSon (five grottoes), Thuy Grotto (Luon cave), TamChuc lake, PhucLong Grotto.
HaNam now preserves many typical culture sights: LongDoiSon, BaDanh pagodas, LanhGiang, TranThuong, Truc temples…
The province is proud of LieuDoi wrestling, kite, Truc temple festivals, traditional trade villages such as DoiTam drum, NhaXa silk handicraft, ThanhHa embroidery, NgocDong rattan and bamboo villages.
PhuLy City is 60km from Hanoi. Road, rail, water transportation are convenient. The province is located on National Highway No.1A.