Binh Duong

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Posted by DH Travel at 2:15 am June 21, 2014

Geography in Binh Duong

Binh Duong is located in the south of Vietnam. It is surrounded by BinhPhuoc to the north, TayNinh to the west, DongNai to the east, and HoChiMinh City to the south.

Binh Duong has bazan that is convenient for rubber and coffee trees; alluvial deposits region with many paddy and fruit gardens.The network of rivers and canals are complete with DongNai, SaiGon, Be rivers…

Binh Duong

Chau Thoi Mountain Pagoda

Climate: There are two seasons: the dry season lasts from November to April next year, the rainy one lasts from May to October. The annual average temperature is 27ºC.

Binh Duong’s climate is like the climate of the South East region which is hot and rainy, with high humidity. It is a tropical monsoon climate, divided into two distinct dry and wet seasons. The rainy season usually starts in May until late October. In early months of the rainy season, there are regular short but heavy showers, while the months of July, August, and September usually have continuous rain, sometimes lasting for 1-2 days and nights continually. Binh Duong seldom experiences hurricanes and only affected by local storms. The average annual temperature in Binh Duong is 26oC – 27oC, with the highest temperature reaching 39.3oC, but the overnight low falls to 16oC – 17oC. The dry season lasts from November to April next year.

Tourism in Binh Duong

Thu Dau Mot Town has 300 year old history. It is on Saigon River bench and it belongs to important economic zone in the south: HoChiMinh City – DongNai – BaRia VungTau. The province preserve famous traditional handicafts such as pottery, lacquer, sculpure. BinhDuong is located on northen gateway of Saigon and it used to have many long and fierce fightings in anti-American and French resistances. And tourists can visit LaiThieu Fruit Garden, which is well-known for durian, mangosteen, rambutan, ToNu jack-fruit, then upto ThuDauMot Town and DauTieng Lake. Beside that, Lady ThienHau Pagoda, ChauThoi Mountain Pagoda, TuongBinh Hiep Lacquerware Painting Village, and CauNgang Tourist Area attracts many visitors every year.

Binh Duong

Lai Thieu Fruit Garden

Transportation in Binh Duong

Binh Duong has National Highway No. 13 and many provincial roads that link to surround provinces. ThuDauMot Town is 30km from HoChiMinh City, 1,740km from Hanoi, 129km from TayNinh and 40km from DongNai

Binh Duong Travel Guide

Binh Duong Tour

Vietnam Tour

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